Workplan 2017-2018

Ever since the Chair was founded, it has lived different stages with different focuses, establishing the main goals for each academic year. For the 2017-2018 academic year, the activities are organized around three main axes:

Support for academic projects

  • Excellence Grants for Msc students: Grants for students with excellent grades applying through a competitive process to access an official Msc Program at UNIR. The grants cover up to 80% of the tuition fees.
  • Msc Theses: Use of IBM’s cognitive tools for the development of Msc theses focused on educational technologies.

Research activities

  • Organization of a cycle of open conferences on Data Science in Education.
  • Organization of an open challenge with anonymized datasets provided by UNIR iTED.
  • Support for ongoing or emerging research projects at UNIR.

Dissemination activities

  • Publication of academic articles in journals and conferences with the support of the IBM Chair.
  • Annual report of activities and results.
  • Participation in the UNIR iTED conference.