The Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change aims at disseminating the results of research, experiments and evaluation. It’s of particular interest to analyse how technology is engaged with policies and  social changes in the relations among people and categories of human beings.

The objectives of this Chair are to research, explore and experiment with policies, behaviours, training, structures, groups and relations, and how these elements interact towards changes and effective improvement, in specific contexts and settings. We support, implement and evaluate those elements, through the inclusion of all kinds of stakeholders and groups as part of the process, outcome, and improvement cycle.



Tavistock participa en la Jornada 2015 sobre Sociedad Digital y Educación, de la Cátedra Telefónica-UNIR

En el marco de la Jornada 2015 sobre Sociedad Digital y Educación, de la Cátedra Telefónica-UNIR, celebrada el 26 de octubre de 2015, participaron representantes de otras cátedras de la universidad con el objetivo de intercambiar experiencias que pudieran aportar al tema desde distintos ámbitos. Desde la Cátedra Tavistock en Ciencias Sociales para el Cambio y la […]
