Tag Archives: Daniel Burgos

u2016. Message from the Congress General Chair

Dear participants,

it is my pleasure to welcome you to this exciting congress, under the patronage and co-organization of UNESCO, thanks to the UNESCO IITE and Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov, the support of ICDE, and the local logistics by Universidad Cooperativa and Universidad Distrital of Colombia. I cannot forget the skilled and efficient work team, in the form of working committees. As it was lately explained, and because of compelling reasons, we moved the organization from a face-to-face framework to an online event. This scheme, however, will not decrease the quality of the contributions or the outcomes. As an open university, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) is used to run 90% of their congresses, conferences and workshops online, Worldwide, since 2009, with over 26.000 students, 1.000 professors, and 320 researchers. We are confident that UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 will be a success thanks to your active support and the solid approach from all the stakeholders involved

Within the programme, you will find three sessions that cover technology, methodology and policy/society. In addition, a round table with high representatives from UNESCO and ICDE, and the official foundation of the eLearning Latam Network. Furthermore, as opening and closing, our two keynotes (Khoroshilov and Ramírez) will provide us with some hints about education and practical implementation. All in all, an excellent panel to learn, discuss, collaborate and enjoy. I really hope that you actively contribute and share towards a personal and group significant outcome.

A very friendly welcome, on behalf of the organizing team and myself

Daniel Burgos

Congress General & Scientific Chair