Español: El congreso UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam 2016 ha editado un número especial con la revista JCR IEEE Latam. Esta publicación, lanzada justo después del congreso, muestra la relevancia y la calidad científica de las contribuciones y su impacto en la Sociedad. A continuación, se pueden consultar los enlaces directos de los autores seleccionados […]
You can find every learning resource of the congress along this page, from the scientific paper, to the Powerpoint presentation, through the session recording. The distribution follows the same flow that in the live session: Opening, Session 1 (Technology & Learning), Session 2 (Educational Methodology), Session 3 (Policiy Making & Digital Society) and Closing, along […]
UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 has successfully been developed in terms of participation and scientific outcomes. The Congress gathered more than one hundred researchers who have developed an action plan for Latin America in Educational Technology, Methodology and Policy to maximize the application of ICT and innovation in Education. Researchers, teachers, experts […]
The Organization Committee has released the congress proceedings to all the public interested in Educational Technology & Innovation and all the participants in the conference. In this document, you will find the main contributions from the researchers and their outcomes on the various topics. We hope that this document is a start point in the […]
Online access to the Congress: UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education LATAM Congress 2016 Link to the virtual workspace: http://unir.adobeconnect.com/unirresearch3