Category Archives: News

UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016: an opportunity to boost Educational Technology research

The participation of the most prestigious institutions worldwide on Education and eLearning, the presence of well-known experts on the subject, the possibility of seen published your research in some of the better specialized journals, and to the chance to take part of an International Network about Educational Technology, are some pillars of this Congress that represent an opportunity to foster Educational Technology research



The UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress will gather the global experts on Educational Technology, from institutions like UNESCO, ICDE, EDEN, TELEARC or UNIMED, around how to combine informal and formal learning. This topic “is a global concern for the academic community and policy makers around the globe”, according to Daniel Burgos, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology (UNIR Research, //, Director of the UNESCO Chair on eLearning and the ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources, and Congress General Chair.

“The chance for a researcher to present his outcomes to an international audience under the UNESCO umbrella is remarkable”

u2016 Team
Logo for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016.


Papers publication

For researchers there will be various ways to publish papers. For example, a selection of papers will be published in IEEE Education Society`s journals, and others indexed by DBLP, SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters, Web of Science, Ulrichs, EBESCO or Inspec, as well as in Revista Ingeniería Solidaria (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia) and Revista Redes de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital. Also, conference proceedings will be published by UNIR Editorial.

Rubén Gonzalez, Programme Chair of the Congress, defends that “the chance for a researcher to present his outcomes to an international audience under the UNESCO umbrella is remarkable, you can broad your audience and receive valuable feedback to keep growing”.

e-Learning Latam Network

The Congress will mean the constitution of the eLearning Latam Network as a forum to debate specific actions in order to integrate informal resources and methodologies inside the classroom.

“The first step of the Network will be the identification of the different local worries about: Educational Technology, Open Educational Resources, methodology and innovation on education, and administration and educational policies” has explained Mara Zamora, Latam Relations Chair for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress.

More info:

UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE,, Moscow, Russia), Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR Research, //, Spain) and UNESCO Chair on eLearning at UNIR(// are the organizers of this event to be held in Bogota, Colombia, from June, 22nd to 24th, 2016.








Carlos Fernández-Alameda

Science Journalist

UNIR Research UCC+i 

More info: research.ucc(at)

Martin Wolpers award on Applied Technology-enhanced Learning

The “Martin Wolpers award on Applied Technology-enhanced Learning” shows the spirit that this great researcher and project manager developed along 20 years of professional career.


This award will support the best submitted and presented paper at the UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 (, and focused on useful, specific, efficient and practical aspects of applied educational technology.

Beyond non-contrasted theories, the bottom line of this prize is to back up real work on real solutions, real users, measurable assessment, innovation process with actual return, and any other drive from theory to practice, from paper to the real World.

This prize honors Martin’s memory and encourage a research line focused on applied eLearning that provides specific solutions to complex needs and situations. Indeed, this USD 1.000 award will become a faithful picture of what Martin means to the international community on eLearning

Alexander Khoroshilov and María Soledad Ramírez Montoya confirmed as Keynote Speakers for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov and Prof. María Soledad Ramírez Montoya, Keynote Speakers at UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 ( 

Both are well-known worldwide as experts in Educational Technology and Innovation, and both are members of the most influential organizations in the field.

Maria Soledad Ramírez, and Alexander Khoroshilov. Keynote Speakers for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016.
Maria Soledad Ramírez, and Alexander Khoroshilov. Keynote Speakers at UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016.

Alexander Khoroshilov is the Officer-in-Charge for UNESCO IITE (Institute for Information Technologies in Education, Moscow, Russia).  He holds a PhD and is a well-known scientist and specialist on ICTs, mathematical modeling and statistics. He has over 40 years of deep professional experience in the field of ICTs and education (strategic development and management, capacity building and professional development, coordination of scientific-educational projects) including that at the international level.

María Soledad Ramírez Montoya is the director of the UNESCO Chair “Open Educational Movement for Latin America”, director of the International Council for Open of Distance Education (ICDE): OER Latin America office, lead researcher on the Strengthening Information Society Research Capacity Alliance (SIRCA) network, main organizer of the Regional Open Latin American Network for Social Research and Education (CLARISE) and coordinator of the Research and Innovation in Education Group (GIIE) at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Call for papers for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016. Deadline: March 31st (Extended Deadline: 11st April)

UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 ( is calling for papers for the conference to be held in Bogota, Colombia, from June 22nd to June 24th, 2016. Papers that examine the relationship between Technology & Learning, Educational Methodology, Educational Policy & Digital Society are encouraged to apply.



There are two types of contributions: 1. Scientific papers and 2. Workshops

  1. Papers are accepted through following these instructions:
  2. Worshops will follow one or several of the main tracks of the Congress, and they will be submitted via The workshop proposals will provide specific details about objectives, target public, expected audience, technical requirements, links to any project or initiative, and other fields, to be filled in via this template.
  • .docx/.pdf file formats are accepted, folllowing this template
  • Do not include author details, university or country information in the manuscript. This is a double-blind peer review process. Author information should be supplied using the manuscript submission form online or in the cover letter for email submissions
  • Please ensure all articles are proofread and checked for accuracy prior to submission. Changes cannot be made during the review process. If accepted, minor revisions may be made prior to final submission
  • Submission process will be managed via
  • Presentations can be carried out in person or via streaming
  • Online participation will provide access to selected sessions
  • Certificates will be handed out for every presentation, with and indication about the channel (face-to-face, online)

Formatting Guidelines

  • Contributions must be in English and not more than 10 double column pages in length
  • Contributions must be original and relevant to one of the many conference topics
  • Authors are required to ensure accuracy of quotations, citations, diagrams, maps, and tables
  • Figures and tables need to be placed where they are to appear in the text and must be clear and easy to view
  • Papers must follow format according to the downloadable template
  • Workshops must follow format according to the downloadable template
  • Publications will be accepted in English only, with a proficiency level
  • Translations of accepted scientific papers into Spanish will be accepted as annexes to the general conference proceedings

Important deadlines


  • March, 31: submission deadline for papers, workshops and project meetings (Extended Deadline: April, 11st)
  • April, 30: communication of acceptance
  • May, 31: camera-ready papers. Special Issues process starts
  • June, 22: LINQ Conference 2016. Pre-conference meetings
  • June, 23, 24: UNESCO-UNIR ICT& Education Latam Congress 2016
  • July: dissemination of results in media, scientific dissemination of outcomes
  • December: Special Issues published (tbc)

More information about review process and post-conference publication and indexing

Video | Welcome to the UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016

Daniel Burgos, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology (UNIR Research, //, Director of the UNESCO Chair on eLearning and the ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources, and General Chair of this Congress, welcomes you to participate in the Congress.


UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE,, Moscow, Russia), Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR Research, //, Spain), and UNESCO Chair on eLearning at UNIR (// are the organizers of this event to be held in Bogota, Colombia, from June 22nd to June 24th, 2016.