Tag Archives: ICDE @en

UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016: an opportunity to boost Educational Technology research

The participation of the most prestigious institutions worldwide on Education and eLearning, the presence of well-known experts on the subject, the possibility of seen published your research in some of the better specialized journals, and to the chance to take part of an International Network about Educational Technology, are some pillars of this Congress that represent an opportunity to foster Educational Technology research



The UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress will gather the global experts on Educational Technology, from institutions like UNESCO, ICDE, EDEN, TELEARC or UNIMED, around how to combine informal and formal learning. This topic “is a global concern for the academic community and policy makers around the globe”, according to Daniel Burgos, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology (UNIR Research, //research.unir.net), Director of the UNESCO Chair on eLearning and the ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources, and Congress General Chair.

“The chance for a researcher to present his outcomes to an international audience under the UNESCO umbrella is remarkable”

u2016 Team
Logo for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016.


Papers publication

For researchers there will be various ways to publish papers. For example, a selection of papers will be published in IEEE Education Society`s journals, and others indexed by DBLP, SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters, Web of Science, Ulrichs, EBESCO or Inspec, as well as in Revista Ingeniería Solidaria (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia) and Revista Redes de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital. Also, conference proceedings will be published by UNIR Editorial.

Rubén Gonzalez, Programme Chair of the Congress, defends that “the chance for a researcher to present his outcomes to an international audience under the UNESCO umbrella is remarkable, you can broad your audience and receive valuable feedback to keep growing”.

e-Learning Latam Network

The Congress will mean the constitution of the eLearning Latam Network as a forum to debate specific actions in order to integrate informal resources and methodologies inside the classroom.

“The first step of the Network will be the identification of the different local worries about: Educational Technology, Open Educational Resources, methodology and innovation on education, and administration and educational policies” has explained Mara Zamora, Latam Relations Chair for UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress.

More info:

UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE, http://iite.unesco.org, Moscow, Russia), Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR Research, //research.unir.net, Spain) and UNESCO Chair on eLearning at UNIR(//research.unir.net/unesco) are the organizers of this event to be held in Bogota, Colombia, from June, 22nd to 24th, 2016.








Carlos Fernández-Alameda

Science Journalist

UNIR Research UCC+i 

More info: research.ucc(at)unir.net

ICDE International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the leading global membership organization for open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning, and draws its membership from institutions, educational authorities, commercial actors, and individuals.

ICDE has consultative partner status with UNESCO and shares UNESCO’s key value – the universal right to education for all. ICDE further derives its position from the unique knowledge and experience of its members throughout the world in the development and use of new methodologies and emerging technologies.

ICDE was founded in 1938 in Canada as the International Council for Correspondence Education and today has members from over 60 countries worldwide.

ICDE’s Permanent Secretariat is in Oslo, Norway, and has been hosted by this country on a permanent basis since 1988. ICDE is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research and by membership fees.

More information at: http://www.icde.org