Daniel Burgos

Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgos works as Vice-chancellor for Research & Technology (UNIR Research). In addition, he is UNESCO Chair on eLearning, and ICDE Chair in Open Educational Reseources, at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR, www.unir.net). Previously, he worked as Director of Education Sector and Head of User Experience Lab at the Research & Innovation Department of Atos, Spain, since 2007; and as assistant professor at the Open University of The Netherlands, from 2004. His interests are mainly focused on Adaptive and Informal eLearning, Learning & Social Networks, eGames, and eLearning Specifications. He is or has been involved in a number of R&D projects like, i.e. Intuitel, Virtual Mobility Passport, eMundus, Edumotion, Hotel, Stellar, Gala, IntelLEO, Go-MyLife, Grapple, Telma, GameTEL, Pauta, Unfold, ProLearn, TenCompetence, EU4ALL, NiHao, Kaleidoscope, Suma, Sister, ComeIn, et cetera. He holds degrees in Communication (PhD), Computer Science (Dr. Ing), Education (PhD), and Business Administration (BSc). More information at http://www.researchgate.net.