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Número especial IEEE Latam / Special Issue at IEEE Latam

Español: El congreso UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam 2016 ha editado un número especial con la revista JCR IEEE Latam. Esta publicación, lanzada justo después del congreso, muestra la relevancia y la calidad científica de las contribuciones y su impacto en la Sociedad. A continuación, se pueden consultar los enlaces directos de los autores seleccionados u extendidos de entre las contribuciones originales al congreso:

English: UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam 2016 has edited a special issue at the JCR-indexed IEEE Latam journal. This publication was launched right after the congress in June. It shows the relevance and scientific quality of the congress papers, along with their impact in the Society. Following, we list the direct links to the published papers at the journal, selected and extended from the original contributions to the congress:

Generación automática de máquinas virtuales para la formación en seguridad

(Automatic Generation Of Virtual Machines For Security Training)

Manuel Sánchez Rubio, Germán López Civera, José Javier Martínez Herráiz

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Modelo de Automatización de Reglas de Negocio en la Recepción de Solicitudes de Crédito en Entidades Financieras basado en Archimate

(Business Rules Model for the Automation in the Receipt of Credit Applications by Financial Institutions based on ArchiMate)

Yuri Vanessa Nieto Acevedo, José Fernando López Quintero, Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marín, Claudio Camilo González Clavijo

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

OERaaS: recursos educativos como servicio mediante contenedores virtuales

(OERaaS: Open educational resources as a service with the help of virtual containers)

Alberto Corbi, Daniel Burgos

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Procesamiento distribuido aplicando similitud de coseno para la correlación de Big Data en Hadoop

(Distributed processing using cosine similarity for mapping Big Data in Hadoop)

Andrés Felipe Rojas Hernández, Nancy Yaneth Gelvez García

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Navegación y Visualización de Sistemas de Gestión de Conocimiento usando Gafas de Realidad Virtual

(Navigation and Visualization of Knowledge Organization Systems using Virtual Reality Glasses)

Paulo Alonso García Gaona, David Martín Moncunill, Kevin Gordillo, Rubén González Crespo

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Análisis de las técnicas de minería de datos para la construcción de un modelo predictivo para el Rendimiento Académico

(Analysis of Data Mining Techniques for Constructing a Predictive Model for Academic Performance)

Sandra Milena Merchan Rubiano, Jorge Alberto Duarte García

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Modelo de Evaluación en un proceso de selección basado en la gamification

(Assessment model in a selection process based in gamification)

Javier Albadán Romero, Paulo Alonso García Gaona, Carlos Montenegro Marín

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Los foros virtuales como método de aprendizaje de la Ingeniería de Organización Industrial

(Virtual forums as a learning method in Industrial Engineering Organization)

Juan Ignacio Castillo Tello, Lara Orcos, Jose Javier Rainer Granados

Abstract IEEE Latam Icon_Article.svg

Learning resources

You can find every learning resource of the congress along this page, from the scientific paper, to the Powerpoint presentation, through the session recording. The distribution follows the same flow that in the live session: Opening, Session 1 (Technology & Learning), Session 2 (Educational Methodology), Session 3 (Policiy Making & Digital Society) and Closing, along with both Keynotes by Prof. Dr. Khoroshilov and Ramírez.



Daniel Burgos, General & Scientific Chair (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja / UNESCO)


 Prologue  Icon_Article.svg
 Editor´s note  Icon_Article.svg



Keynote speaker:

Alexander Khoroshilov. Head a.i of IITE UNESCO (Moscow) & President of Honorary Commitee of this congress.

“Reaching Targets of Education-2030. UNESCO Approach and IITE Activities”

Paper  — Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Alan Tait, Emeritus Professor of Distance Education and Development, Open University UK, Executive Comittee ICDE “From formal to informal learning: the challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals”

Paper  —- Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Guilherme Canela (UNESCO Uruguay) “Desafíos para las políticas públicas de TICs y Educación en América Latina”

Paper  —- Presentation  —— Video  Video-icon

Tatiana Valencia and Sollany Ochoa (OREALC / UNESCO, Colombia) “Marco de Competencias y Estándares TIC desde la Dimensión Pedagógica”

Paper  —- Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon


Session 1: Technology & Learning

Moderator: Carlos Montenegro, Universidad Distrital

Andrés Felipe Rojas Hernández and Nancy Yaneth Gelvez García. Distributed processing using cosine similarity for mapping Big Data in Hadoop

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Abel Suing, Verónica González, Kruzkaya Ordóñez and Patricio Barrazueta. Redesign degree in communication. Case study distance mode. UTPL in Ecuador

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Sandra Merchán Rubiano, Guiovanna Sabogal Alfaro, Leonardo Aguirre León, Daniel Tijo Garavito and Sebastián Valencia Correa. Towards and Integration of B-leaning and Significant Learning: A case study at the Universidad El Bosque

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Sandra Merchán Rubiano and Jorge Alberto Duarte García. Analysis of Data Mining Techniques for Constructing a Predictive Model for Academic Performance

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Juan Isacio Castillo Tello, J. Javier Rainer and Lara Orcos. Virtual forums as a learning method in Industrial Engineering Organization

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Fredys A. Simanca H. y Alexandra Abuchar Porras. Application of a Learning Analytics tools to a Moodle virtual classroom

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon


Session 2: Educational Methodology

Moderator: Adriana Maritza Montejo. Universidad Cooperativa

Eniel Do Espirito Santo, Ariston De Lima Cardoso, Karina Zanoti Fonseca, Adilson Gomes Dos Santos, Leandro Sodre Barreto y Rafael Moura Mascarenhas. Open Educational Resources: initiatives towards culture implementation at a public university.

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Victor Eduardo Melgarejo and Ariel Rodolfo Rodríguez Hernández. Integral schema for Monitoring and Evaluation of ICT Inclusion, Use and Appropriation in Education

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Fátima Llamas Salguero, Pilar Martín Lobo, Marta Gil Najera and Silvia Pradas Montilla. Study of the attitude os students towards new technological contexts and neuroscience progress

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

José Ignacio Palacios Osma, Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marín, Giovanni Piñeros Mora and José Andrés Gamboa Suárez. Learning platform assessment model LMS

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Blanca Tejero and Virginia García Coll. Physical Education in the Age of Digital Technology

Paper  —– Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Jaraby Reyna de Thomas, Verónica López-Fernández, Fátima Llamas-Salguero, Pilar Martín Lobo, and Silvia Pradas. Participation and knowledge through Plickers in high school students and its relationship to creativity

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon


Official presentation of the International Network for Research in Educational Technology & Innovation (eLearning Latam Network)

Paper  —- Presentation  —- Video  Video-icon


Session 3: Policy Making & Digital Society 

Moderator: Rubén González, Director Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología, UNIR

Manuel Sánchez Rubio and Germán López Civera Automatic generation of virtual machine for security training

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Patrick “Tod” Colegrove Makerspaces in Libraries: Techonology as Catalyst for Better Learning, Better Teaching

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Román Senderek The systematic implementation of technology enhanced learning for lifelong competence development from a corporate perspective

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Eugenia Ramírez Isaza. Contributions of the Analysis Model as a systematization of the Research Project REDCO, Red de conocimiento, CIER Occidente

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon

Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, David Martin-Moncunill, Kevin Gordillo and Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marín Navigation and Visualization of Knowledge Organization Systems using Virtual Reality Glasses: first insights

Paper  Icon_Article.svg Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon


Keynote Speaker and Closing

Marisol Ramírez. Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey and President of the Congress International Advisory Board.

“Movimiento educativo abierto: oportunidades para la innovación en la educación superior” 

Closing: Daniel Burgos, President of this Congress

Paper  — Presentation  Icon-PDF Video  Video-icon



UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016, a successful Congress on Education Technology & Innovation with more than a hundred participants worldwide

UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 has successfully been developed in terms of participation and scientific outcomes. The Congress gathered more than one hundred researchers who have developed an action plan for Latin America in Educational Technology, Methodology and Policy to maximize the application of ICT and innovation in Education.


Researchers, teachers, experts and students from Russia, China, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Colombia and Spain, have participated in the Congress.


Alexander Khoroshilov, Director a.i. of UNESCO IITE, stressed the idea that the Educational Technology is essential to achieve the objectives in education that UNESCO 2030 has stablished. “The main goal is to ensure education that offers opportunities for all, that is inclusive, and focus on life-long learning. Something impossible if we do not have the technology on our mindset”.

Marisol Ramirez-Montoya, director of the UNESCO Chair “Open Educational Movement for Latin America”. She stressed that “the specific actions proposed are intended to achieve innovation through the integration of resources, educational methodologies, administrative goals, institutional visions and internationalization on Higher Education “.

Team u2016 at the Madrid, Spain, venue
Team u2016 at the Madrid, Spain, venue

In this line, as pointed out by Daniel Burgos, president of the Congress, Technology and Methodology must go hand in hand. “Only an inclusive approach can allow us to integrate in the official programs what occurs outside the classroom, in order to improve academic outcomes.”

The work of the Congress proposed in this regard: systems for use, recycling and improved Open Education, methodologies that integrate neuroscience and creativity. Also it recommends to research on deep learning, mobile applications for literacy, possibilities of virtual reality and 3D, and cybersecurity.

The u2016 Congress has been organized by UNESCO IITE (Institute for Information and Technology in Education, Moscow, Russia), the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) and the UNESCO Chair on eLearning, at the Vice-chancellorship for Research and Technology (UNIR Research) .

Activity in Social Networks:

Proceedings available | UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016

The Organization Committee has released the congress proceedings to all the public interested in Educational Technology & Innovation and all the participants in the conference. In this document, you will find the main contributions from the researchers and their outcomes on the various topics.

We hope that this document is a start point in the implementation of policies that foster the role of ICT’s and informal learning in the official curriculums worldwide.

Access to the proceedings

u2016. Message from the Congress General Chair

Dear participants,

it is my pleasure to welcome you to this exciting congress, under the patronage and co-organization of UNESCO, thanks to the UNESCO IITE and Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov, the support of ICDE, and the local logistics by Universidad Cooperativa and Universidad Distrital of Colombia. I cannot forget the skilled and efficient work team, in the form of working committees. As it was lately explained, and because of compelling reasons, we moved the organization from a face-to-face framework to an online event. This scheme, however, will not decrease the quality of the contributions or the outcomes. As an open university, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) is used to run 90% of their congresses, conferences and workshops online, Worldwide, since 2009, with over 26.000 students, 1.000 professors, and 320 researchers. We are confident that UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 will be a success thanks to your active support and the solid approach from all the stakeholders involved

Within the programme, you will find three sessions that cover technology, methodology and policy/society. In addition, a round table with high representatives from UNESCO and ICDE, and the official foundation of the eLearning Latam Network. Furthermore, as opening and closing, our two keynotes (Khoroshilov and Ramírez) will provide us with some hints about education and practical implementation. All in all, an excellent panel to learn, discuss, collaborate and enjoy. I really hope that you actively contribute and share towards a personal and group significant outcome.

A very friendly welcome, on behalf of the organizing team and myself

Daniel Burgos

Congress General & Scientific Chair


UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016

Integration of formal and informal contexts, for a better learning and a better teaching

UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education Latam Congress 2016 ( is born with the drive of: “Integration of formal and informal contexts, for a better learning and a better teaching”. UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE,, Moscow, Russia), Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR Research, //, Spain) and UNESCO Chair on eLearning at UNIR (// are the organizers of this event to be held online, from June, 22nd to 24th, 2016.

This Congress is part of the three main priorities of the UNESCO Chair on eLearning at UNIR for the 2013-2017 period. The main focus combines any learning that takes place outside the classroom with the official academic programs. The Head a.i. of the UNESCO IITE in Moscow, Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov is the Chair of the Honorary Committee of this Conference.

The Congress is focused on three tracks: Technology and Learning,

Open Education, Educational Methods and

Educational Policy in the Digital Society.

Daniel Burgos junto al director del IITE de Moscú, Alexander Khoroshilov
Daniel Burgos with Head a.i. of the UNESCO IITE, Prof. Alexander Khoroshilov
“Informal learning occurs anytime, anywhere. We are convinced that formal learning too. The key is to find the right balance between the two contexts”, explains Daniel Burgos, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology (UNIR Research, //, Director of the UNESCO Chair on eLearning and the ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources, and Congress General Chair.

Main tracks

This Congress will work on three tracks: 1) Technology & Learning, 2) Educational Methodology, and 3) Educational Policy & Digital Society. A wide range of issues to discuss about, from the analytics applied to learning, cyber security, integration of Open Educational Resources in academic programs, educational innovation or Digital Anthropology.

Daniel Burgos explains that “this is a Congress that becomes a reference for countries in the region such as Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and others on a global concern: How can you combine everything that happens outside classroom with the acquisition of the official competences in the academic programs?”.