Learning Pathway Recommendation based on a Pedagogical Ontology and its Implementation in Moodle

Henning, P. A., Forstner, A., Heberle, F., Swertz, C., Schmolz, A., Barberi, A., Luis de-la-Fuente-Valentin, Eran Gal, Elisabetta Parodi, Uta Schwertel, S. S. (2014). Learning Pathway Recommendation based on a Pedagogical Ontology and its Implementation in Moodle. In Proceedings of the DeLFI 2014 conference 07/2014; GI Lecture Notes in Informatics (p. (P–233):39–50.).


When learners may select among different alternatives, or are guided to do so by an adaptive learning environment (ALE), it is gen- erally meaningful to discuss the concept of different learning pathways. Pedagogically, these learning pathways may either be defined macro- scopically, e.g. in terms of desired learning outcomes or competencies, or microscopically in terms of a didactical model for individual knowledge objects. In this contribution we consider such learning pathways from a pedagogical point of view and then establish a mathematical model for their traversal by a learner and for the analysis of his behavior. This model is implemented in a novel ALE provided by the EU FP7 project INTUITEL, introduced in its Moodle version as concrete example.