UNIR iTED (Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education, has been in charge of the design, core redaction and editing process of this policy. UNIR thanks this institute for its determination and energy to pull together a vast variety of sources and people towards a common goal for the benefit of the educational community.
Furthermore, the following institutions, departments, faculties and external reviewers have provided a decisive support to the redaction of this Open Education policy and to the agreement towards an actual implementation. UNIR expresses the sincerest thanks to all of them:
Departments at UNIR
- Rectorate
- Vice-rectorate for Knowledge Transfer & Technology
- Vice-rectorate for Doctorate
- Vice-rectorate for Educational Development and Innovation
- Vice-rectorate for Faculty
- Vice-rectorate for Research
- Vice-rectorate for Students and Quality
- School of Engineering and Technology
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Faculty of Education
- Scientific Dissemination Unit (UCC+i)
Institutional relations
- UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme
- Institute for Information Technologies in Education
- University for Peace (United Nations)
- European Commision. Joint Research Centre Seville
- Internacional Council for Open and Distance Education. ICDE
- Unesco Chair on eLearning at UNIR
- ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources at UNIR
- Telefónica-UNIR Chair in Digital Society and Education
- AENOR-UNIR Chair of Standards and Certification
External review
- Athabasca University
- Beijing Normal University. Centre for Big Data on Technology-Mediated Education
- Coventry University. Disruptive Media Learning Lab
- Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
- Mediterranean Universities Union. UniMed
- New Media Consortium
- Open and Distance Learning Australian Association. ODLAA
- Open Education Consortium
- Open Education Foundation
- Open Universiteit Nederland
- The University of the South Pacific
- Universidad de La Laguna
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica
- Université Caddi Ayad
- Université Ibn Zhor