Patent: u-Student, sending recommendation notifications to groups of user

Method of sending recommendation notifications to groups of users of a web content manager and one or more secondary web services

The main objective of U-Estudiante is to provide a technical solution that allows the generation of personalized recommendations to the students of e-learning platforms. This will be done from recommendation rules created by their teachers and associated to the activities carried out by the students in those platforms.

This tool is aimed at meeting the learning needs of the learners and thus providing them with a reinforcement adapted to their situation. The learning technique is located within the scope of a social network, in which users interact with the system and with each other and receive academic guidance and recommendations on an individual basis.

By generating and sending personalised recommendations at specific moments in the educational plan, this method allows students to improve the assimilation of content and guide their learning processes to adapt them to their needs.

The tool offers support to students through the generation of recommendations that can be automated and configured by teachers according to one or more activity patterns in the learning environment. In the same way, the teacher also obtains benefits such as, for example, having an integrated visualization of the subject that allows him/her to know the evolution of the class and to be able to respond appropriately for the best progress of his/her students. A system supports both the student and the teaching staff in the search for a common goal.

Contract reference: 1809017-EPO