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Learning Analytics

de-la-Fuente-Valentín, L., Corbi, A., González Crespo, R., & Burgos, D. (2014). Learning Analytics. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (Third., pp. 2379–2387). IGI Global.   Learning Analytics is considered one of the most promising technologies in the near future of education. It provides tools that help practitioners to reflect […]

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A framework for the conceptualization of approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of learning design solutions

Hernández-Leo, D., Harrer, A., Dodero, J. M., Asensio-Pérez, J. I., & Burgos, D. (2007). A framework for the conceptualization of approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of Abstract IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) is an interoperable and standardized language that enables the  omputational representation of Units of Learning (UoLs). However, its adoption and extensive use in real practice […]

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Visual Analytics Method for Score Estimation in Learning Courses

De-la-Fuente-Valentín, L., Pardo, A., López, F., & Burgos, D. (2015). A Visual Analytics Method for Score Estimation in Learning Courses. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21(1), 134–155. Abstract The provision of awareness is a well-known method for fostering students’ self-reflection, a metacognitive skill often related to academic success and considered one of the key skills […]

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The paradox of the assisted user: guidance can be counterproductive

van Nimwegen, C. C., Burgos, D. D., van Oostendorp, H. H., & Schijf, H. H. (2006, April). The paradox of the assisted user: guidance can be counterproductive. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems (pp. 917-926). ACM. Abstract This paper investigates the influence of interface styles on problem solving performance. […]

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Modeling adaptive educational methods with IMS Learning Design

Specht, M., & Burgos, D. (2010). Modeling adaptive educational methods with IMS Learning Design. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2007(1), Art-8. Abstract The paper describes a classification system for adaptive methods developed in the area of adaptive educational hypermedia based on four dimensions: What components of the educational system are adapted? To what features […]

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A First Step Mapping IMS Learning Design and Moodle.

Burgos, D., Tattersall, C., Dougiamas, M., Vogten, H., & Koper, R. (2007). A First Step Mapping IMS Learning Design and Moodle. J. UCS, 13(7), 924-931.   Abstract Mapping the specification IMS Learning Design and the Course Management System Moodle is a logical step forward on interoperability between eLearning systems and specifications in order to increase […]

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IMS Learning Design : la flexibilité pédagogique au service des besoins de la e-formation

Burgos, D., Arnaud, M., Neuhauser, P., & Koper, R. (2005). IMS Learning Design: la flexibilité pédagogique au service des besoins de la e-formation. Abstract La spécification IMS-Learning Design (ingénierie pédagogique) fait appel à des concepts pédagogiques permettant de modéliser les unités d’apprentissage. IMS-LD prend en compte une grande variété de modèles pédagogiques c’est là sa […]

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The UNFOLD project. Understanding and using learning design

Burgos, D., & Griffiths, D. (2005). The UNFOLD project. Understanding and using learning design. Abstract The UNFOLD project was born in January 2004, to support the adoption of open eLearning standards catering for multiple learners and flexible pedagogies, our focus being IMS Learning Design (IMS LD). We have provided access to resources through the site […]

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How to use IMS Learning Design and SCORM 2004 together

Tattersall, C., Burgos, D., Vogten, H., Martens, H., & Koper, R. (2005). How to use IMS Learning Design and SCORM 2004 together. Abstract Standardisation plays an increasingly important role in e-learning, requiring designers to make choices as to the route to be followed during the development of e-learning courses. IMS Learning Design is an e-learning […]

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A transversal analysis of different learning design approaches

Vignollet, L., Ferraris, C., Martel, C., & Burgos, D. (2010). A transversal analysis of different learning design approaches. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2008(2), Art-24. Abstract The goal of the ICALT workshop «Comparing Educational Modelling* Languages on a Case Study» was to compare different Learning Design approaches. Various teams were asked to design and […]

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Building adaptive game-based learning resources: The integration of IMS Learning Design and

Burgos, D., Moreno-Ger, P., Sierra, J. L., Fernández-Manjón, B., Specht, M., & Koper, R. (2008). Building adaptive game-based learning resources: The integration of IMS Learning Design and< e-Adventure>. Simulation & gaming. Abstract IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is a specification to create units of learning (UoLs), which express a certain pedagogical model or strategy (e.g., adaptive […]

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A game-based adaptive unit of learning with IMS learning design and

Moreno-Ger, P., Burgos, D., Sierra, J. L., & Manjón, B. F. (2007). A game-based adaptive unit of learning with IMS learning design and< e-Adventure>. Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale, 247-261. Abstract In this pa per we illustrate how to conceive, implement and play adaptive Units of Learning (UoLs) that embed educational videogames. […]

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