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TELMA: Technology-enhanced learning environment for minimally invasive surgery

Sánchez-González, P., Burgos, D., Oropesa, I., Romero, V., Albacete, A., Sánchez-Peralta, L. F., … & Gómez, E. J. (2013). TELMA: Technology-enhanced learning environment for minimally invasive surgery. Journal of Surgical Research, 182(1), 21-29. Abstract Background Cognitive skills training for minimally invasive surgery has traditionally relied upon diverse tools, such as seminars or lectures. Web technologies […]

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Game· Tel: An approach to multi-format and multi-device accessible engineering education

Anido, L., Burgos, D., Caeiro, M., Torrente, J., Fernández, M., González, J., … & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2011). Game· Tel: An approach to multi-format and multi-device accessible engineering education. Abstract Game·Tel is an open source software system that supports personalized learning, focusing on serious games and simulations, making these and traditional content accessible and adaptive to […]

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Influence of face-to-face meetings on virtual community activity: the case of Learning Network for Learning Design

Burgos, D., Hummel, H., Tattersall, C., Brouns, F., Kurvers, H., & Koper, R. (2005). Influence of face-to-face meetings on virtual community activity: the case of learning network for learning design. Abstract Virtual communities main feature is the interchange of ideas and points of view around a specific topic, frequently split into several sub-topics. This activity […]

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Emerging technologies landscape on education: A review

de la Fuente Valentín, L., Carrasco, A., Konya, K., & Burgos, D. (2013). Emerging technologies landscape on education: A review. IJIMAI, 2(3), 55.   Abstract This paper presents a desk research that analysed available recent studies in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. The desk research is focused on work produced in the frame of […]

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E-learning specifications. An introduction

Burgos, D., & Griffiths, D. (2005). E-learning specifications. An introduction. elearningeuropa. info Directory. Abstract The move to e-learning has been a major development in the recent history of education, involving changes in pedagogy and in the way in which technology is used to support learning. New approaches to education are emerging which promise improvements in […]

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Review of current student-monitoring techniques used in elearning-focused recommender systems and learning analytics. The Experience API & LIME model case study

Corbi, A., & Burgos, D. (2014). Review of current student-monitoring techniques used in elearning-focused recommender systems and learning analytics. The Experience API & LIME model case study. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia, 2(7), 44-52. Abstract Recommender systems require input information in order to properly operate and deliver content or behaviour suggestions to […]

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An eLearning specification meets a game: authoring and integration with IMS Learning Design and

Moreno, P., Burgos, D., Sierra, J., & Fernandes-Manjon, B. (2007). An eLearning specification meets a game: authoring and integration with IMS Learning Design and< e-Adventure>. In CD of Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. Abstract IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) is a specification to realize adaptive and interoperable Units […]

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¿Puede IMS Learning Design ser utilizada para modelar juegos educativos?

Burgos, D., Tattersall, C., & Koper, R. (2005). ¿ Puede IMS Learning Design ser utilizada para modelar juegos educativos?. Abstract IMS LD soporta la expresión de una gran variedad de modelos pedagógicos. Si tomamos una programación de una clase de una base de datos de propósito general (como Merlot, es posible modelarla con IMS […]

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TENCompetence: Construyendo la Red Europea para el Desarrollo Continuo de Competencias

Burgos, D., Herder, E., & Olmedilla, D. (2006). TENCompetence: Construyendo la Red Europea para el Desarrollo Continuo de Competencias. Abstract El proyecto TENCompetence (The European Network for Lifelong Competence Development) apoya a personas e instituciones europeas en el desarrollo de competencias profesionales más allá de la formación reglada oficial. El desarrollo de habilidades específicas y […]

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Qué es IMS Learning Design y cómo modela Unidades de Aprendizaje

Burgos, D. (2005). Qué es IMS Learning Design y cómo modela Unidades de Aprendizaje. Abstract A través de este taller los asistentes podrán conocer de primera mano qué es la especificación IMS Learning Design para generación de unidades de aprendizaje modeladas mediante una implementación estándar y de código abierto para formación online Basándonos en conceptos […]

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SECI-based framework for professional learning processes

Naeve, A., Palmér, M., Nilsson, M., Ebner, H., Enoksson, F., Lytras, M., … & Chatti, M. A. (2007). SECI-based framework for professional learning processes. Abstract This deliverable focuses on the link between individual and organizational learning based on the interaction processes at the workplace, and key implications for personal and organizational knowledge management as they […]

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Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies: Practices and Challenges: Practices and Challenges

Santos, O. C. (Ed.). (2011). Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies: Practices and Challenges: Practices and Challenges. Abstract Recommender systems have shown to be successful in many domains where information overload exists. This success has motivated research on how to deploy recommender systems in educational scenarios to facilitate access to a wide spectrum of information. Tackling […]

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