Joleen Liang (Visiting Professor)

Dr. Joleen Liang is a visting professor at the Research Institute UNIR iTED.
Co-Founder of Squirrel Ai Learning, Ph.D in Intelligent Science and Systems at Macau University of Science and Technology.
Founder/Director of AI+Adaptive Education International Conference (AIAED).
The executive director of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Education Committee of the China Education Development Strategy Society, The deputy head of the Technology and Standards Working Group, the Smart Education Working Committee of the Internet Society of China, The Secretary of the IEEE International K-12 Education Standards Working Group.

The colaboration between UNIR and Joleen Liang will be focused on Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Learning. Joleen will be a visiting researcher at UNIR and main task is to lead a strand on Personalized Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the UNESCO Chair on eLearning.
Joleen has spoken at World Summit AI together with Yoshua Bengio and Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director General for Education,UNESCO. Joleen was also invited to speak at IJCAI, ACM KDD, ACM UMAP, Tsinghua University, New York University Shanghai, Harvard University Education Dept., Slush, TechCrunch, UBS Investor Conference, SFT, Global Smart Education Summit, BETT and other domestic and international summits, and interviewed by Bloomberg and other media.
Joleen has been researched on areas in AI adaptive learning, Intelligent education with LLM, Multimodal learning analytics, and etc and have published papers at different conferences and journals.
She has led the promotion of smart education public school project and AI Intelligent hardware, which has served 60,000+ full-time primary and secondary schools nationwide. The company Squirrel Ai has brought AI intelligent learning systems/hardwares to more than 20 million users.
In 2020, Joleen and Squirrel Ai was honored ‘AI Education Innovation Award’ by UNESCO. Squirrel Ai’s case study in online learning was published in UNESCO reports.
Joleen is also the founder/director of AI+Adaptive Education International Conference (AIAED) focusing on important trends emerging from AI-tech applied to next-generation education and how these advances can impact adaptive human learning at scale. The 1st-4th AIAED invited more 200 AI and AI education speakers(scientists and companies) internationally, and 10000+ audiences, 500+ investors, 1000+ CEOs, 200+ media.