Miryam Liliana Chaves Acero (Visiting Professor)

Miryam Liliana Chaves Acero, is a visiting professor at the Research Institute UNIR iTED. She is a Research Professor, Coordinator of the Specialisation in Industry 4.0 and Coordinator of the Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence at the Fundación Universitaria Internacional de la Rioja. Previously she worked as Dire ctor of the Master’s Degree in Engineering and Innovation Management at the Universidad Católica de Colombia; she was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Universidad Latina de Panamá, She has been a lecturer and researcher at numerous universities and has worked in the oil, textile and plastics processing companies.
PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2008), Mechanical Engineer from the National University of Colombia (1999), Specialist in Higher Education from the Universidad del Istmo Panama (2018). She h as studied Innovation Ideaminning techniques (Universidad de M ü nster) and Innovative Teaching Methods in Engineering and STEM Sciences at LASPAU Harvard University.
She has been part of research groups in Spain Colombia, and Panama, carrying out research projects in pub lic and private calls. She has been a research professor at numerous universities.