Project QAREER: Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education (Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Actions)

QAREER: Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education

UNIR takes part in QAREER: Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education, (Erasmus+ Programme, Grant Agreement: 2015-1-RO01-KA203-014972), a European project that will propose a management system for quality in university career services for students.

The project incorporates international experts in university quality and career counselling services for students from four countries. UNIR´s participation contributes to the development of case studies, panel reviews and validation workshops where the best initiatives will be implemented to ensure the quality of these supports.

Funding programme and consortium

QAREER is funded by ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Commission, under Key Action 2 Capacity building in the field of Higher Education. The project has a duration of 2 years (2016-2018) and counts on the cooperation of UNIR and five European partners.

Project scope

Recent studies confirm that more than 80% of students are more concerned about their employment future rather than for their academic development. A future unemployment and lack of adequate guidance, contribute to demotivation at a rate close to 30% drop. On the other hand, candidates’ searchers confirm that approximately 27% of the selection processes are deserts due to lack of appropriate profiles.

It is clear that should make a greater effort to approximate the university reality the labour market and their needs.

The QAREER project mainly aims to collect the different perspectives of the actors involved (secondary education institutions, students, employers, career guidance professionals) to define quality standards applicable to the process.



Sources of funding

Erasmus+ Programme, Grant Agreement: 2015-1-RO01-KA203-014972

Project Objectives

To do this, the following will be addressed:

1- Collect data and indicators regarding the quality of career guidance services and quality of employability associated

2- Develop case studies to establish quality criteria and subsequent validation through expert panels

3- Develop a guide to implement the proposed standards for various institutions

3- Develop a platform that supports all project information as part of the disclosure thereof

4- Organizing various workshops with participants for validating standards to reach a greater number of actors involved.