Supporting innovation in technology-enhanced learning: a stakeholder-based open approach

Nascimbeni, F., Aceto, A., Burgos, D., & Kamtsiou, V. (2017). Supporting innovation in technology-enhanced learning: a stakeholder-based open approach. International Journal of Innovation and Learning. Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.233–253.


This paper explores the concept of innovation in technology-enhanced learning (TEL) and proposes a model to support innovation in the area of TEL. This model has emerged from the HoTEL project, a support action funded by EU’s FP7. The paper first provides a brief summary of innovation models emerging from research and then moves to an analysis of the key elements, dynamics and dimensions that need be considered in order to develop a model supporting innovation specific to the TEL domain. The HoTEL innovation support model is then presented as a new way for supporting innovation adoption and mainstreaming within the field. Such a model is based on the concept of open innovation and advocates the direct involvement of all key stakeholders in the innovation process and their active role in considering all the strategic elements (networking, partnerships, support, user engagement, etc.) necessary for meaningful and effective innovation in TEL.
