UNIR iTED team produces a number of publications along the year, many of them out of their public and private projects, some of them out of personal research interests, related to the core. Every publication is indexed by SCI, SSCI, Scopus, Inspec, etc., in refered journals, and in books. The team is quite hectic, including special issues and collaborations Worldwide.

This website is not meant to become a repository for these publications. For a thorough list, please visit http://www.researchgate.net/, as a main hub.


Virtual communities, research groups and projects on IMS Learning Design. State of the art, key factors and forthcoming challenges

Burgos, D., & Koper, R. (2005). Comunidades virtuales, grupos y proyectos de investigación sobre IMS Learning Design. Status quo, factores clave y retos inmediatos. Relieve, 11(2), 189-200. Abstract We carry out a report showing the state of the art about virtual communities, research groups and projects focused on the e-learning specification IMS Learning Design or […]


Assessment of learning in environments interactive through fuzzy cognitive maps

  Holman Bolívar Barón, Rubén González Crespo, Jordán Pascual Espada, Oscar Sanjuán Martínez (2015). Assessment of learning in environments interactive through fuzzy cognitive maps. Soft Computing, 4(19), 1037-1050. Fuzzy cognitive maps have been applied in different areas to express the dynamic behavior of a set of related concepts. These maps are powerful tools for analysis and […]


Modelado y uso de escenarios de aprendizaje en entornos b-learning desde la práctica educativa

Burgos, D., & Corbalan, G. (2006). Modelado y uso de escenarios de aprendizaje en entornos b-learning desde la práctica educativa. Abstract El mercado actual del aprendizaje online marca una separación entre la teoría educativa y la práctica educativa real. Los escenarios de aprendizaje diseñados y utilizados por los profesores tratan de congeniar la enseñanza presencial […]


Emerging Technologies Landscape on Education. A review

De-la-Fuente-Valentín, L., Carrasco, A., Konya, K., & Burgos, D. (2013). Emerging Technologies Landscape on Education. A review. International Jorunal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2(3), 55–70. doi:10.9781/ijimai.2013.238   This paper presents a desk research that analysed available recent studies in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. The desk research is focused on work produced […]


Adaptive e-Learning Methods and IMS Learning Design: An Integrated Approach

Burgos, D., & Specht, M. (2006). Adaptive e-learning methods and IMS learning design: an integrated approach. null, 1192-1193. Abstract This position paper shows how several classical methods in adaptive learning can be addressed using IMS Learning Design. After a definition of four main questions to classify adaptive educational methods we describe a group of features […]


Learning Pathway Recommendation based on a Pedagogical Ontology and its Implementation in Moodle

Henning, P. A., Forstner, A., Heberle, F., Swertz, C., Schmolz, A., Barberi, A., Luis de-la-Fuente-Valentin, Eran Gal, Elisabetta Parodi, Uta Schwertel, S. S. (2014). Learning Pathway Recommendation based on a Pedagogical Ontology and its Implementation in Moodle. In Proceedings of the DeLFI 2014 conference 07/2014; GI Lecture Notes in Informatics (p. (P–233):39–50.).   When learners […]


Representing Adaptive and Adaptable Units of Learning

Burgos, D., Tattersall, C., & Koper, R. (2007). Representing Adaptive and Adaptable Units of Learning. Computers and Education, 41-56. Abstract In this chapter we examine how to represent adaptive and adaptable Units of Learning with IMS Learning Design in order to promote automation and interoperability. Based on a literature study, a distinction is drawn between […]


Implementing Adaptive Educational Methods with IMS Learning Design

Specht, M., & Burgos, D. (2006). Implementing adaptive educational methods with IMS learning design. Abstract The paper describes adaptive methods developed in the area of adaptive educational hypermedia according to a simple taxonomy schema based on three dimensions: What components of the educational system are adapted? To what features of the user and the current […]


Learning Analytics

de-la-Fuente-Valentín, L., Corbi, A., González Crespo, R., & Burgos, D. (2014). Learning Analytics. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (Third., pp. 2379–2387). IGI Global.   Learning Analytics is considered one of the most promising technologies in the near future of education. It provides tools that help practitioners to reflect […]


A framework for the conceptualization of approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of learning design solutions

Hernández-Leo, D., Harrer, A., Dodero, J. M., Asensio-Pérez, J. I., & Burgos, D. (2007). A framework for the conceptualization of approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of Abstract IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) is an interoperable and standardized language that enables the  omputational representation of Units of Learning (UoLs). However, its adoption and extensive use in real practice […]


Visual Analytics Method for Score Estimation in Learning Courses

De-la-Fuente-Valentín, L., Pardo, A., López, F., & Burgos, D. (2015). A Visual Analytics Method for Score Estimation in Learning Courses. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21(1), 134–155. Abstract The provision of awareness is a well-known method for fostering students’ self-reflection, a metacognitive skill often related to academic success and considered one of the key skills […]


The paradox of the assisted user: guidance can be counterproductive

van Nimwegen, C. C., Burgos, D. D., van Oostendorp, H. H., & Schijf, H. H. (2006, April). The paradox of the assisted user: guidance can be counterproductive. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems (pp. 917-926). ACM. Abstract This paper investigates the influence of interface styles on problem solving performance. […]


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