Call for applications for the 2022 UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in Basic Science

Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. February 14, 2022

This prize is intended to recognize and reward the greatest achievements in development, dissemination, and international cooperation in the basic sciences, which have had significant transformative impact at the regional or global level, based on:

(i) excellence in research in the basic sciences;

(ii) basic science education and outreach;

(iii) international or regional cooperation in the basic sciences.

Its purpose is to promote and honour the basic sciences, specifically chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology, which form the basis for the spread of scientific knowledge and are key to the progress of innovation and sustainable development.

The prize contributes to generating scientific research, technology and innovation and gives the production and application of scientific knowledge a key role in social and economic development, in line with the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development.