Project Resonate

The european project RESONATE – Development of Professional Courses in Sustainable Water Management is funded by the European call Erasmus+ KA2 “Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practice in Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training”. With a duration of 24 months, Resonate started in October 2019 and ends in September 2021.
Coordinated by the Civil Engineering Institute of Macedonia, the project involves a total of 5 partners from four European countries. The consortium is composed of three universities, one institute and one research centre, all of them with extensive experience in developing and implementing engineering education programmes and very close to industry.
The overall objective of the project is the education of engineering professionals in sustainable water management, in line with national and European policies and contributing in the long term to the development and management of water resources on a local and global scale.
The specific objectives of the project are focused on:
- The improvement of the level of competences and skills of engineering professionals in sustainable water management.
- Development and implementation of innovative professional courses in the water sector, in line with the EU Water Framework Directive.
- Bridging the gap between new knowledge needs, lack of educational programmes and challenges of organisations (private, public and NGOs) in sustainable water management.
The first phase of the project consists of the analysis of the competences of engineering graduates and professionals; study of existing European educational programmes related to engineering and sustainability, and analysis of European and national policies in the area. Based on the findings of this phase, courses on sustainable water management are designed and developed. In addition, a group of 50 participants will collaborate in a pilot test to test the courses and provide suggestions for improvement of the courses for their implementation.
UNIR participates in the project collaborating in all the work packages and leading the one on the analysis of educational programmes on sustainable water management in Europe.
UNIR Teams: School of Engineering and Technology (ESIT), UNIR iTED
Partners: Civil Engineering Institute of Macedonia, Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy (IECE); Universidade de Lisboa, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), University of Belgrade, National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility
Reference: 2019-1-MK01-KA202-060311
Time span: 2019-2021
Funding type: European public