3 minutes about Open Education, an online video series from OpenMed project

The EU fund project has released a series of video interviews with Open Education experts about practices across the Mediterranean Sea. The contributions are available in three languages. All the material has been published openly.
“There are a lot of initiatives and activities on open education, now it is the time to coordinate all the work and take the next step”, has said, Professor Hassane Darhmaoui from Al Akhawayn University, in one of the pieces.
The aim of this short videos is “to increase social access to the scientists working on the project, to help people to know how they work and their motivations”, according to Daniel Burgos, Vice-chancellor for Transfer Knowledge and Technology at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (http://transfer.unir.net).
In each of them, an expert analyzes aspects about Open Education from a cross-national perspective.
The role of Open Education in the Mediterranean countries
“Open Education in Mediterranean countries can provide materials to young people without economic resources. So they can improve their skills, and knowledge in order to obtain some certifications”, has highlighted, Hafida El Messaouri, Professor at University Hassan II.
In the opinion of Fabio Nascimbeni, senior researcher at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) the issue than Open Education must confront is “the role of the stakeholders acting on the ground: teachers, students, tutors… all the educational community”. Solving this problem requires a “change of mindset to more open approaches to developing a culture of sharing”.
On the video we can watch experts like Violetta Cavalli (Al Akhawayn University), Cristina Stefanelli (UNIMED), Halima Raji (P.h.D) at University Hassan II) Hafida El Messaouri, (University Hassan II), Daniel Villar-Onrubia (Coventry University).
The videos are published on YouTube, in the project channel and UNIR Research dissemination channel. If you are an expert you can also contribute to the project with your video.
Videos have been recorded during the Open Education Day in Marrakech.