Project Keystone

Keystone Project (Knowledge, Enterprise and Young People – supporting youth transitions in the new economy), started in February 2018, is financed by the Programme Erasmus+, KA2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic Partnerships for Youth”. Coordinated by Arcola Research (UK), it has a duration of two years. The project involves partners from United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal. Keystone will develop a collaboration programme focused on vulnerable young people, aiming to increase the required abilities by the market.
The Project starts from the need for new intervention approaches that more effectively engage with marginalised young people in order to improve their life chances.

Keystone will run four innovation spaces –“Community Lablets”– in different European cities, which will provide the infrastructure and innovation space for action research experiments to build and test economic, political and social sustainability models. The young people involved in the Programme will develop, implement and evaluate solutions to these issues at the local level, aiming to make a real contribution to social change in their communities.
The ICT dimension is central to Keystone. It applies a range of ICT platforms, including an Open Access Portal, a Content Repository, a Knowledge Community, a collective intelligence platform, and other tools to support knowledge sharing and integration of research results, involving collaboration between research institutions, civil society, social entrepreneurs and public authorities. UNIR participates in the project as the responsible for the Technical Platform and Knowledge Space.
Main outputs:
- Programme Infrastructure and Support. this provides the framework, structures and processes needed to deliver and implement the Keystone programme,.
- Collaborative Support Programme. execution of the ‘Active inclusion’ Young programme, developed by the project “Community Lablets”, aimed at surfacing the existing, hidden and latent talents of disadvantaged youth and engaging them in co-produced social innovations.
- Transferability Toolkit. handbook that enables future users of the Keystone Programme to access and use it autonomously.
Project coordinator: Arcola Research LLP (UK)
Partners: Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Borgorete (Italy), Mind2Innovate (Greece) and Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Portugal)
Time span: 2018-2020
Funding type: European Public