MEDICI project: final online conference
The online ‘Digital Inclusion For All Conference’ took place from January 26 to January 28, 2021.
An estimated 58 million of the european citizens do not use the internet. Non-users are mainly the elderly and the people with disabilities, according to the European Disability Forum (EDF). Over 69 % of people who lack basic digital skills are over 55 years old. This webinar provided an overview of the changemakers who are striving to impove this. It addressed the challenges of “dual exclusion” in the digital society and discussed emerging good practices in the field of digital inclusion in Europe.
Over 800 participants from 33 countries assisted to the nine sessions (keynotes, webinars, roundtables and workshop) that were adressed during these event. A total of 34 speakers took part, including representatives of the European Commission, CARITAS Germany, All Digital and many other different associations and organizations all over Europe. You can watch all the sessions here.
The MEDICI project supports the exchange and replication of good practices among stakeholders involved in the digital inclusion ecosystem. Its key aim is to controbute to bridging the digital devide affecting in particular vulnerable groups in the society, including older people, people with disabiities, “left behind” youth and adults and migrants.