Project Encore+

European network to catalyse Open Educational Resources

Erasmus +, EAC / A02 / 2019, KA2: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice – Knowledge partnerships

Encore+, the European Network for Catalysing Open Resources in Education, responds to the European priorities of opening up and modernising education and training by creating a network to support innovation and entrepreneurship with AER.

This project is based on the idea that there are viable and established strategies for AERs, but there is no integrated European ecosystem between universities and companies capable of identifying, catalysing and sharing best practices.

Encore+ lays the foundation for the European AER ecosystem that can best support innovation and inclusion in education and training. Improving digital skills, employability and sharing the benefits of open online learning with as many Europeans as possible.

  • It develops a validated and shared vision and roadmap for AERs in Europe.
  • It provides a model for sustainable European collaboration that responds to genuine needs.
  • Works with various stakeholders to create and test the ENCORE+REA quality framework.
  • Establishment of European strategic guidelines on AER for higher education and enterprises.
  • Establishing a well-connected European AER ecosystem of technologies and communities.

Encore+ will involve in a strategic and sustainable way a number of relevant actors from the academic and business world who will support its collaborative activity in line with the five specific objectives of the project:

  • Establish and support a sustained and well mapped European network of AER stakeholders, based on well-connected higher education and business communities (supported in particular through WP2).
  • Fostering the collaboration and connection of European AER repositories into a European ecosystem of AER repositories (WP3).
  • Stimulate the integration of AER institutional strategies into business and academia (WP4).
  • Demonstrate the innovation potential of AER in business environments and promote successful AER business models (WP6).
  • Establish an open, distributed, highly reliable community-based AER quality review paradigm, and working mechanism (WP5).

Partners: International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Norway; Baden-Wuerttemberg State Cooperative University (DHBW), Germany; The Open University (OUUK), UK; Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Knowledge 4 all Foundation (K4A), United Kingdom; Joubel AS (JOUBEL), Norway; Foundazione Politecnico di Milano (FPM), Italy; Instructure Global (CANVAS), Norway and Dublin City University (DCU), United Kingdom.

Funding type: European public