Promotion of Open Education through Gamification


The OPENGAME project aims to contribute to the uptake of Open Resources and Open Practices among educators in Higher Education in an innovative and motivating way, through the developing of a gamified and situated learning experience on Open Education.

The online game will be based on real cases of application of open teaching approaches, where university teachers will learn to apply these approaches in their daily teaching.

OPENGAME will work with three specific objectives:

  • To raise awareness of HE educators to adopt EPO in their daily teaching, by integrating successful “educator-centred” practices.
  • To increase the motivation of higher education educators towards EPO adoption by providing attractive and motivating testing environments as a playful experience.
  • To develop the capacity of HE educators to work with open approaches, through a playful and engaging learning experience at EPOs.

After two years of intensive work, the project will produce the following results:

  1. A collection of successful open practices complemented by a competence framework containing the knowledge, skills and attitudes that European university educators need to master in order to work with Open Educational Practices
  2. The design, curriculum and contents (REA) of a gamma-located open course on Open Educational Practices (transversal module for educators of any discipline, corresponding to 30h of work).
  3. An interactive e-learning game, available for both desktop and mobile devices, aimed at training university teachers through a selection of open tools and approaches.
  4. An open accreditation scheme that will ensure that all teachers participating in the course are appropriately rewarded, through Open Badges and, where possible, through official accreditation (ECTS).
  5. A transferability toolkit aimed at promoting the use and implementation of the online game in other universities in the five project countries (ES, FR, DE, PT, and IE) as well as across Europe, involving a minimum of 900 teachers from 30 universities.



Two important networks (as associated partners) complete the consortium: the Open Education Consortium and the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE).

OPENGAME is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Partners: International University of La Rioja (UNIR) Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR iTED), GRIAL Research Group, IUCE (University of Salamanca); University of Nantes (France),  Universidade Aberta (Portugal), DBHW Karlsruhe (Germany) and Dublin City University (Ireland).

More information:

Project exploitation:

Contract reference:  2019-1-ES01-KA203-065815



Time span: 2019-2021

Funding type: European Public