Students from Armenia to visit UNIR at Madrid

From 12 to 15 December 2016, UNIR research will host the Study visit of 6 Armenian students coming from the National Polytechnic University of Armenia and the Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts.

The aim of the study visit, organised in the frame of the ESPAQ project (Enhancing Students participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian Higher Education ), is to present the Spanish Quality Assurance system for Higher Education Institutions, to analyse how this is integrated into the governance and teaching/working processes at UNIR, and to support them in applying QA standards through simulation exercises.


A rich programme has been developed, under the coordination of Prof Daniel Burgos, Vicechancellor for Knowledge Transfer and Technology,  and Rubén González Crespo, Director of the Engineering School at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja.

For more information about the event, please contact Stefania Aceto at