Project Encore+: European Network for Catalysing Open Resources in Education

Project Encore+ responds to the European priorities of opening up and modernising education and training through the creation of a network that supports innovation and entrepreneurship with Open Education Resources (OER).




Encore+ starts from the insight that while there are viable, established strategies for OER, there is no integrated European OER university-business ecosystem able to identify, catalyse and share best practices.

In order to face this challenge, the project chases the following purposes:

  • Developing a validated, shared vision and roadmap for OER in Europe
  • Providing a sustainable European collaboration model which responds to authentic needs
  • Working with diverse stakeholders to create and pilot the ENCORE+ OER Quality Framework
  • Establishing European OER Strategy Guidelines for higher education & businesses
  • Establishing a well-connected European OER Ecosystem of technologies & communities

ENCORE+ supports the uptake of OER through business and academia by sharpening value propositions and implementation strategies for OER in higher education and the world of work. The involved actors will support the completion of the five objectives of the project:

  • Developing a European OER innovation area by connecting stakeholder communities & fostering knowledge exchange
  • Generating a new vision for collaboration and connection between OER repositories in a European OER Ecosystem, encouraging entrepreneurship and empowerment through OER
  • Fostering the uptake of OER in Europe by stimulating the integration of organisational strategies for OER in business & academia, encouraging both to co-learn from implementations
  • Establishing open, distributed & trusted community review strategies for OER and involves businesses and HEIs in dialogues on quality and innovation
  • Engaging businesses in the OER ecosystem, demonstrating the innovation potential of open content for human resource development




Partners: International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Norway; Baden-Wuerttemberg State Cooperative University (DHBW) Germany; The Open University (OUUK), UK; Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Spain; Knowledge 4 all Foundation (K4A), UK; Joubel AS (JOUBEL), Norway; Foundazione Politecnico di Milano (FPM), Italy; Instructure Global (CANVAS), Norway, Dublin City University (DCU), UK.

Reference: 621586-EPP-1-2020-1-NO-EPPKA2-KA





Duration: 2021-2024