Two Co-Editor positions for “Innovations in Education and Teaching International”

We are pleased to distribute this invitation for applications for two Co-Editor posts for the Social Sciences Citation indexed journal Innovations in Education and Teaching International.

The Co-Editors will join an established editorial team, the positions are non-stipendiary and will be for a term of 3 or 5 years.
More details of the journal and the duties of the post.

Individuals wishing to apply are asked to submit a supporting statement along with a curriculum vitae to by 4.30pm GMT Friday 1st February 2013.

Individuals wishing to discuss the role in more detail prior to application are asked to contact Prof Gina Wisker (

Applicants will be selected for interview based on:

– the appropriateness of their academic and publication record in reference to the two areas of focus identified for the co-editor posts (learning technology and professional development);

– demonstrated understanding of the research publication process;

– demonstrated capacity to undertake management of research review and publication processes (or equivalent complex processes);

– written communication skills;

– leadership skills;

– ability to commit the time necessary to undertake the role.

Co-editors will be selected by mid March 2013.