E-Ducation Project: teaching and learning after 2020
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. 28 September 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted serious problems worldwide in the socio-economic and educational sectors, bringing to light important deficiencies in responding to distance and blended learning modalities. What was so far presented as an option in higher or non-formal education is now a real challenge when it comes to the compulsory education of millions of pupils, mainly from 3 to 16 years of age.
In a very short space of time, teachers have had to adapt their classroom methodologies and their methods of communication with students and families to the digital environment, generating a multitude of difficulties at many different levels.
The E-Ducation: teaching and learning after 2020 project offers solutions to the assessment process necessary for education systems to be able to certify the evolution of students with reliable alternatives to the traditional assessment techniques and instruments of face-to-face education. In addition, it attempts to respond to the evident need to establish coordination tools that allow the teaching staff of educational centres to attend to the progress of individual students in a coherent and synchronous manner using new technologies and thus avoid the problems arising from the so-called digital divide (early school dropout, situations of disadvantage, etc.).
Thus, the main objectives of this initiative are:
- To learn about active methodologies in the teaching-learning process in online education, identifying the real situation of educational centres in their transition to online education. To this end, the interactive ebook Check&Act will be created to self-assess the real situation with regard to online education and make effective decisions accordingly. The Mobile Learning platform will also be created so that teachers can select the most appropriate active methodology for the online environments they manage.
- To know and use the most appropriate and useful assessment strategies in the context of online education. The e-Testing digital tool will be developed to provide the most reliable and efficient assessment techniques and instruments for active online methodologies. They will also be provided with Test Generator, which will help them to create their own tests in digital environments.
- Evaluate online teaching scenarios with the clear objective of avoiding the digital divide and student disconnection. To this end, they will use the GAP Radar app, which will be focused on the entire educational community, students, families, teachers, management teams and socio-educational authorities, and will help to detect cases of inequalities at an early stage.
With a budget of approximately 224,000 euros, the project is coordinated by the Fundación Diocesana de enseñanza santos Mártires de Córdoba and has the participation of different institutions from Spain, Italy and Portugal.
UNIR (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja) brings its extensive experience in online education, specifically in active methodologies in the teaching-learning process, evaluation strategies and design of educational tools.
Partners: Fundación Diocesana de enseñanza Santos Mártires de Córdoba, Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Gomes Ferreira Alves, Eurolingue School, Universidad de Córdoba, Conecta 13, Instituto Instruzione superiore “A. Lincoln”, Agrupamento de Escolas Rainha Santa Isabel; Creativ CISE S.C.S. y Universidad Internacional de La Rioja.
Web page: https://educationdigitalproject.org/
Social media:
Reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-095541
Time span: 2021-2023
Funding Type: European public