Green Circle: Micro-credentials in Construction Sector

Environmental change is a key driver for labour demand and skills supply across all sectors, and the climate crisis has a particularly strong impact on the construction industry. This results in a need for new skills, competences and knowledge in the workforce to achieve a green transition in construction.

Within this context, Green Circle aims to identify, develop, test and assess the use of micro-credentials in the construction sector to achieve a green transition while demonstrating the potential for mainstreaming and transfer to other sectors. The project will develop (a) a systematic review of existing provision of short courses and micro-credentials in the construction sector; (b) a framework for the implementation of micro-credentials; (c) a catalogue of skills for the green transition in the construction sector; (d) micro-credential principles and open design methodology; (e) guidelines for new forms of assessment. These outputs are applied in the development of 8 micro-credentials for the construction sector, evaluated in pilots in Germany, Greece, Portugal and Spain.

The project of 3-year duration has a budget of € 900 000 and is co-funded by the Partnerships for Innovation – Forward Looking Projects action (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-FORWARD) of the European Commission.


The project consortium, coordinated by TecMinho, consists of 11 beneficiaries from 4 countries:

  • Associacao Universidade Empresa para Desenvolvimento Tecminho – Portugal
  • Synergasia Energon Politon – Greece
  • Pontydysgu S.L. – Spain
  • Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Norte – Portugal
  • Casais – Engenharia e Construcao S.A – Portugal
  • Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) – Spain
  • Aransa Construcción y Obra Civil, S.A.U. – Spain
  • Verein zur Berufsforderung der Bauwirtschaft Nord E.V. – Germany
  • Pedmede Somateio – Greece
  • Bauindustrieverband Niedersachsen-Bremen E.V. – Germany
  • Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis – Greece

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), through the Research Institute for Innovation & Technology in Education (UNIR iTED) and the Higher School of Engineering and Technology (ESIT), provide their vast experience in digital tools, e-learning, and micro-credentials.


Social media:

Reference: 101132905

Timespan: 2023-2026

Funding type: European public