Project V-Tours

V- Tours project, Erasmus +, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for higher education.
The need for dialogue between Education and enterprises is therefore not related only to placement: placement is a consequence of candidates suitable to job vacancies, rather than a simple matching between degrees and job posts. Career offices have worked since years to foster mobility through internship and traineeships, in order to enhance dialogue between academia and enterprises to one side, and to foster self-awareness and development of soft-skills and transversal competences in students to the other side.
The V-Tours project is aimed at increasing and improving opportunities of dialogue between HE students and enterprises, by creating a virtual place where is available:
- An online course focused on business culture and work ethics, by addressing e.g. Research and innovation, Integrated Quality (Quality- Environment – Safety), Corporate social responsibility, Company organization, Roles, tasks and competencies within the company, Strategic transversal competences etc.;
- Opportunities to participate in virtual tours within the companies, as online events where the company managers will present their organization and processes, being available to answer questions in real time (organized for small groups of students, who had already benefitted from online resources available for the company), and the recording of previous tours;
- Self-reflection and self-assessment exercises for the students, in relation to professional profiles addressed by the interviews, carried out during the virtual tours, and to business culture and work ethics.
The V-Tours platform will be made available a relevant set of learning opportunities fostering understanding of work environments; promoting the acquisition of career development skills; improving the employability of students; facilitating mobility, as all developed resources will be translated in English (including translation of videos); supporting employer branding from an enterprise point of view.
Time span: 2016-2018
Funding type: European public