Public Projects – National Project

Analysis of the role of Social Networks and Web 2.0 in the evolution of tendencies of opinion about Spanish Armed Forces (reference number 064/01/2013)

It is an R&D project conceived by UNIR Foundation, in collaboration with the “Communication and Digital Society” (COYSODI) Research Group. The project is co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Defense in the frame of its program “Grants for promoting the culture of defense in order to enhance understanding of defense as a key element in guaranteeing Spain’s security”.

The main aim of the project is to analyze the role of Social Networks and Web 2.0, by considering the current young generation, in order to demonstrate how the principles tendencies of opinion about Spanish Armed Forces are being generated.

Secondly, the project aims to spread out reflections about not only visual but audiovisual translation of Spanish Armed Forces in this new context, as well as it intends to analyze how they are reflected by the aforementioned new digital media.

Moreover, an analysis on the presentation of Spanish Security Strategy will be conducted, with special focus on the most relevant aspects of the international divulgation.

The project also foresees a thorough study of possible use cases of these emerging technologies by transferring a culture of peace within the framework of the dialogue among civilizations.

In general, the project aims to analyze the role of Internet in the evolution of general opinion on Spanish Armed Forces, and it also intends to achieve the following objectives:

  • By considering the role of Internet, the general perception of the Spanish society of the Armed Forces will be analyzed,
  • To study and compare the different official websites of the distinct military corps such as: ; ; project aims to contrast the different promotional techniques of these websites with the international ones, as for example
  • To analyze the presence of distinct military corps of the Armed Forces on social networks, such as Tuenti, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • To identify strengths and to strengthen weak points of the online promotion of the culture of defense, as well as of the overall image of Armed Forces on Internet.