Tag Archives: José Carlos San José

Category Archives: José Carlos San José

Daniel Burgos

Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgos works as Vice-chancellor for International Research, and Full Professor of Education & Communication Technologies at Universidad Read more

Inés Hernández

Inés Hernández works as a project assistant at Vice-Rectorate for International Projects (http://research.unir.net) at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Read more

Joaquín Alonso

Joaquin Alonso works as a senior project manager at Vice-Chancellorship for International Research (//research.unir.net). He holds a Law degree from Oviedo Read more

Shila Ganguly

Shila Ganguly works at the International Project Office in the Vice-Chancellorship for International Research (//research.unir.net). She manages European and International research Read more

Sérgio Vilela

Sérgio Vilela works as a Senior Project Manager in the Vice-Rectorate for International Projects at the Universidad Internacional de La Read more

Diego Lozano

Diego Lozano works as project manager at Vice-Chancellorship for International Research of la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). With Read more

José Carlos San José

José Carlos San José works as Head of ICT development at the Vice-Rectorate for International Projects (//research.unir.net) and at the Read more


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