The Martin Wolpers 2022 award goes to César Alberto Collazos

Arequipa, Perú. September, the 28th, 2022.
César Alberto Collazos has been awarded with the Martin Wolpers 2022 Prize by the Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR iTED) in recognition of a lifetime of excellence in research, education and significant impact on society. A short bio:
- Professor of the Department of Systems of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Cauca (Colombia)
- Coordinator of the IDIS group (Research and Development in Software Engineering) of the same university
- Coordinator of the HCI-Collab Network (Collaborative Network to support teaching-learning processes in Human-Computer Interaction at the Ibero-American level)
- He has been president of the Colombian Computer Society
Expert in Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Technology and Education - Projects: Alfa, Competisoft, Revvis, Adaco, H-Net, Laccir, Latin, Promep, Iaprog, Dispersa, etc.
The award was presented at the XII International Conference on Virtual Campus.