UNIR participation at International Conference on ICT and Post-2015 Education

The chinese city of Qingdao hosts this conference where UNIR (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, http://www.unir.net), through UNIR Research (//research.unir.net), has a role thanks to UNESCO Chair on eLearning (http://unesco-elearning.unir.net/) with the aim of debating the efficient TIC support on didactic methodologies to ensure high quality learning experience.

The recent acceleration of technological change, including internet developments, mobile technologies, cloud computing as well as the rise of open education resources, to cite a few examples, result in a renewed, even stronger interest in their potential to solve the existing problems and shape the future education. This is in conjunction with the global consultation on shaping the post-2015 education agenda, which has been coordinated by UNESCO.

The Post-2015 agenda for education to be discussed with Member States in the World Education Forum 2015 will underscore the importance of a broad and lifelong learning perspective. The proposed goals aim at empowering people to meet their right to quality education and fulfill their personal expectations for a life and work and contribute to their societies’ socio-economic development.

 Goals and objectives

The Conference seeks to create an interface between education and ICT sectors to debate on how ICT can be leveraged at scale to support the achievement of post-2015 education targets.

The Conference outputs will include a high-level Statement to provide Member States with policy recommendations about how to harness the power of ICT to address current educational challenges and to ensure equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, and following up actions and relevant partnerships that are aimed to help Member States to develop system-wide ICT in education strategies in the context of shaping the national post-2015 sustainable development agenda.


Amongst the participants are included: a significant number of Ministers of Education from all regions, leaders of international ICT companies that have created promising ICT solutions to education development, experts who have conducted rigorous studies, Ministry officials, representatives of other UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations,  NGOs and up to 200 Ministry officials, researchers, representatives of schools and education institutions of China.

Theme and subthemes

Under the core theme of leveraging ICT to support the achievement of post-2015 education targets, deliberation also deals with: shaping digital learning by 2030, supporting effective pedagogical use of ICT to ensure quality of learning, scaling up ICT innovation to enhance lifelong learning outcomes, opening up potentials of online content to catalyze knowledge creation and benchmarking and monitoring the impacts of ICT on post-2015 education.