V-Tours 3rd International Project Meeting takes place in Spain

During the meeting, hosted by Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) and Fundación Universidad-Empresa (FUE), the attendees reviewed the diferent tasks that have been carried out so far and laid down the foundations to face this new period of working. V-Tours project, started on November 2016, aims to increase and improve the dialogue opportunities between Higher Education students, first job seekers and companies in order to get a better first employment understanding.


V-Tours project partners
V-Tours project partners


Financed by the Erasmus + European Programme, another V-Tours output is a virtual place where enterprises will be able to play an active role within the project activities, giving their support in the moment of transition of graduates from education to job market. Graduates and enterprises will both benefit from this virtual space as it facilitates the encounter between talented graduates and professionals trough a non-formal education method. Graduates will therefore reach a deeper understanding of the main features of the business culture while enterprises will have the chance of promoting their business and corporative image.

Participant students and workers will also have the opportunity of participating in virtual visits to flagship companies: online events where the company managers will present organisation and processes of their organisation, being available to answer questions in real time.

An online course will be also available. Focused on business culture and work ethics, it will also contain corporate social responsibility lessons, as well as company organization, strategic transversal competences, etc.

To learn more about the project, listen to two of our partners:




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