Vice-rectorate for Knowledge Transfer & Technology
The Vice-rectorate for Knowledge Transfer & Technology ( focuses on enhancing the life cycle of research and innovation projects. Is seeking for a practical application of results of these projects in the life of the university, such as personalization of the learning process, improved academic performance or adaptation of teaching methodology. It develops public, private and own funded projects for the various branches of knowledge of UNIR. From the design, implementation and evaluation, to the practical implementation, exploitation, dissemination, positioning and transfer of the results obtained, with special emphasis on international projects, under the brand UNIR Research. It also focuses on technological aspects that enhance the learning experience, teaching, mentoring and management context and the educational process of the university, in coordination with the other units involved.
The Vice-chancellorship for Knowledge Transfer & Technology has several instruments:
- The Research Institute for Educational Innovation and Technology (UNIR iTED) that coordinates the institutional chairs and projects on this area.
- Scientific Dissemmination Unit (UCC + i), focused on the dissemination and intellectual exploitation of UNIR research results, as well as its international position.
- The International Project Office (IPO), which provides management and administrative support to all European and other continents projects.