Comanity project and Competences

One year has gone since the official start of the Comanity Project. We are in the process of finalising Interactive Online Tool of the project, a knowledge sharing and creation environment addressing youth workers, volunteers and all interested stakeholders and engaging them in activities related to the definition of this new working profile.

To do the job of a Community Animateur effectively, youth workers and volunteers need new ways of thinking, new ways of working and new skills. To support this, COMANITY has developed a Community Animateur Competence Framework. This defines a ‘skills set’ for Community Animateurs, and describes all of the competences that are needed to perform the role. This framework draws on the results of research including ‘on the ground’ work with young people to capture their ‘lived experience’; a needs analysis of youth workers and volunteers; a review of good practices in support services for ‘marginalised’ young people, and a review of competence frameworks in relevant fields.


For more information about the approach adopted by Comanity to define the competences for the Community Animateurs please read the article “Meet the next generation of youth workers” on the project web site!