Radical Solutions for Digital Transformation in Latin American Universities book published

Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. 28 July 2021

The book Radical Solutions for Digital Transformation in Latin American Universities. Artificial Intelligence and Technonlogy 4.0 in Higher Education, which is part of the Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (LNET) series, has recently been published.

This book is made up of 14 chapters with the participation of prominent authors with extensive knowledge of the situation of universities in Latin America.

Among its objectives are:


  • Explaining how artificial intelligence helps and integrating digital transformation in Latin American institutions.
  • Provide solutions to update Latin American Universities through the implementation of digital transformation.
  • Present case studies from different regions of Latin America.

The editors of the book are Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgos, Vice-rector of International Projects at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and Director of the Institute for Educational Research, Innovation and Technology (UNIR iTED); and Prof. John Willian Branch, Faculty of Mines at the National University of Colombia (UNAL) and Director of Research & Development Group on Artificial Intelligence Department of Computer Science and Decision.

The handbook provides a comprehensive analysis of the Latin American context focusing on digital transformation, higher education, artificial intelligence, and Industry 4.0. These topics are presented by region, with a clear distinction between Central America and Mexico, the Andean Community (Peru, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia), Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay), and other countries.

This book also shows how e-learning is a key part of the transformation, with a clear focus on learning management systems, innovation and learning analytics. In addition, customised services for each of the university profiles (students, teachers, academic managers) are presented to ensure the incorporation of inclusive educational services for networked campuses. Furthermore, this book addresses the overall strategy and services that focus on sustainability and integrated revenue models with strategic planning.

Finally, there will be a presentation of concrete experiences and case studies of direct application of artificial intelligence and 4.0 technology, from which readers can learn and transfer directly to their educational contexts.

More information at: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-16-3941-8