The Martin Wolpers 2023 award goes to Christian M. Stracke

Christian M. Stracke has been awarded with the Martin Wolpers 2023 Prize by the Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR iTED) in recognition of a lifetime of excellence in research, education and significant impact on society.

“Ethical AI, Digital Education and Our Society” are three key topics that Dr. Christian M. Stracke from the University of Bonn focuses in his research, development and implementation since years. Christian developed interdisciplinary expertise in research, education and management while leading international large-scale projects (budgets over 50 million euros and up to 200+ researchers). As globally recognized expert and innovator and appointed ICDE Chair in OER, he published more than 200 scientific publications on his main research fields: Open Education, Artificial Intelligence, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Competence Building, Impact Assessment and Educational Policies ( His global analysis of open education during the pandemic lockdowns was awarded by the National Institute for Digital Learning of Ireland as Global Top 10 COVID-19 research in 2022.

The award will be presented on 22 October 2024 at the Telefónica-UNIR Chair on Digital Society and Education event ‘AI at university: Transforming minds and regulations’, where he will discuss the current hype on AI and digital education as well as the future challenges to achieve a social and sustainable community and society worldwide

More information about Christian M. Stracke:

Dr. Christian M. Stracke consults many educational institutions, international ministries and global organisations including UNESCO, Council of Europe, European Commission and European Parliament. As a member of the AI&ED Expert Group appointed by the Council of Europe, he organizes its AI&ED Conference 2024 and works on the upcoming international law for the use of AI in education.

Many honours have been bestowed on Christian: He was appointed as ICDE Chair in OER by the International Council of Open and Distance Education and selected as 90th Expert of the Leaders and Legends of Online Learning in the global Hall of Fame. Furthermore, he received the UNESCO OER Implementation Award for Excellence and was awarded for the coordination of MOOQ on the Quality of MOOCs as most innovative European research project.

Christian is coordinator for the cloud strategy at the German University of Bonn and establishing the research lab at the scientific University IT and Data Center Bonn. He co-founded the UNESCO Unitwin Network on Open Education (UNOE) and eLC, the European Institute for Learning, Innovation and Cooperation. Christian holds a PhD in Economics and Informatics and a Magister Artium (M.A.) in Educational Sciences as well as professorships at the East China Normal University in Shanghai and the Korean National Open University in Seoul.

Find out more on his website:

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