Tag Archives: eu fund projects

Category Archives: eu fund projects

The main services offered by UNIR Research to researchers (Activity Report 2014-2015)

UNIR Research has two main services that are dedicated to support the daily work of researchers: OCAPI: This office facilitates Read more
Annual Report

The full research landscape of the period (Activity Report 2014-2015)

The Second Research Support Strategy 2 (2013-2015) (PPI-II) of UNIR aimed to foster and support the implementation of research lines and stimulate the creation Read more
Annual Report

The ongoing international network of partners with different agreements

Following the internationalization strategy of UNIR, the vice chancellorship for research and technology is promoting research and development agreements with national Read more
Annual Report

Information of the events and public projects in which UNIR Research participates

UNIR Research designs, contributes and leads a number of research projects at regional, national and European levels. We focus on educational Read more
Annual Report

Activity Report 2014-2015 (Extended English Summary)

UNIR commitment to research excellence is born of the conviction that scientific advances and the knowledge generation are the driving Read more
Annual Report

Research Outcomes (Activity Report 2014-2015)

We have finished a very relevant period due to the completion of the Second Research Support Estrategy (2013-2015) and the Read more
Annual Report


  • research.mgt@unir.net
  • +34 91 567 43 91


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