UNIR iTED and Telefónica help you to improve your employability

On Friday 29th 2018 took place the virtual visit to the Telefónica’s Human Resources department about employability and young talent. The online session, that was the sixth in the framework of the european project Virtual Tours for Business Culture (Erasmus+), was organized by Research Institute for Innovation & Technology in Education of Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR iTED), had Eva Atienza, director of Human Resources of Telefónica.
During the event, Eva Atienza, professional with more than 18 years of experience in Human Resources, spoke about the Young Talent Recruitment Programs in Telefónica –as Talentum Programe–, that today are the key in a company that is making a strong bet on its transition to the digital world. Among these initiatives that fill the gap between University and companies, Atienza highlighted Hack For Good, a hackaton set up every year by Telefónica that gathers together young people who works for giving technoloical solutions to big social challenges. In the frame of Telefónica-UNIR Chair in Digital Society and Education, the Institute UNIR iTED gave three prizes about “Education, Culture and Open Society”.
Companies value soft skills like adaptability, team work or passion about technologies
After the presentation, assistants could ask different questions about selection and hiring processes to Telefónica experts Florie Saulnier, Resourcing & Talent Head, and Beatriz Martínez, HR Business Partner. From personal conciliation to tricks to face a job hunting, the main questions were refered to the soft skills companies are looking for. As Saulnier explained, companies like Telefónica value the ability to learn and apply the knowledge to new situations, sometimes even more than previous experience. These soft skills include adaptability, creativity, customer orientation, communicational skills, team work or passion about technologies.

V-Tours project, financed by Erasmus+ Programme of European Union, aims to enhance the dialogue opportunities between Universities, enterprises and students in order to promote the acquisition of career development skills and improve the employability of students. Besides the virtual visits, in the frame of the project an online course about business culture has been developed where students can learn the competences that will help them in joining the professional world, and they will have access to activities, videos and lectures that will allow them them to get first-hand knowledge of the companies organization.

Together with Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), in this project participate different european institutions. UNIR leads the instructional design and the implementation of the open educational program.
July 16th.- Eva Ferreras