UNIR participa en IBM University Day 2019

Last 31st May, the annual event organized by IBM, University Day 2019, took place in IBM headquarters in Madrid. During the event, the collaboration topics between IBM and universities were treated. UNIR was present in the session under the frame of IBM-UNIR Chair on Data Science in Education, and participated in one of the talks.

During the session, different examples of such collaborations were analysed, all of them using the most innovative technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing or Cybersecurity.




By the end of the event, four universities described the projects carried out in collaboration with IBM. Pablo Moreno, director of IBM-UNIR chair, and Paloma Sanz, Director of Innovation and Talent Management in Ramon y Cajal Schools, presented the joint project, which consists on the promotion of data analysis and visualization technologies applied in the students training, in order to improve the supporting processes. The project uses the Artificial Intelligence-based technology Watson developed by IBM. Other projects explained the use of Artificial Intelligence in the textile sector (Wearable Project), in the health sector (developed with Universidad Politecnica de Madrid), or in smart cities (Smart Education for a Smart Society Project, carried out with Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha).




The session finalized with a round table in which the speakers replied to the questions asked by the audience.