ICT in Education: the missing link in the innovation cycle

Usually, the cycle of innovation is sold as a great progress in education. However, in education, the cycle of innovation does not exist. Innovation is cyclical in itself. Each step of the structure can be modified, improved and complemented without waiting for a whole process that shows logic in other areas (engineering, logistics, and psychology, for instance) but that, in education, seems to be a luxury. The key is find out why and how to perform a dynamic innovation cycle that enhances learning and teaching experiences, Worldwide, including North-North, North-South and South-South approaches.

In short, what Innovation means? Why someone new at the leading post needs to re-modify everything from scratch? Why is a blue guy follows up a red one, or the other way around, education is always losing something good? Is that difficult to understand that something can be saved from burning to the ground?
The real golden rice any docent can make on their own, is to combine regular academic programmes with informal learning
Selective innovation over specific steps of methodology, assessment, training, content authoring or any other links of the chain, is a breakthrough. Simple, effective, encouraging. It means the missing link. We call it transgenic learning (#transgeniclearning) because it actually follows the same process, metaphorically speaking: out of a chain of parts, one specific part is taken, modified, and put back on the chain. To make it better, or faster, or cheaper, or more personalised, or localized, etc.

What we stand for is that the timely application of selective changes might mean a World, and it takes just a moment in the design of a lesson plan. The school teacher of the university professor is entitled to do so, without waiting for an overall regulation.
And nowadays, the real key, that golden rice, that effective move that any docent can make on their own, is to combine regular academic programmes with informal learning. To integrate Open Educational Resources, MOOCs, SPOCs, Learning Objects and so many pieces of knowledge uploaded out there (we call it Internet), into their classroom. The challenge is to select the quality content. But the integration part should be easy. Formal and informal integrated, not that difficult and a huge breakthrough in Education.
Daniel Burgos
Morocco, TICEMED Congress 11, Marrakech, March 28th, 2018
& Spain, IEEE Educon 2018, Tenerife, April 18th, 2018