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Software is culture

2017 - Jun 16
Roberto di Cosmo, Director of Software Heritage, who I shared with a round table this morning at the World Summit Read more

Open Education is not free. Someone has to pay

2017 - Apr 28
Open Education is cool, trendy, fancy, even hipster. Free and open for everyone from everyone. It is a sort of Read more

Polysemy, Open Education and the glass ceiling

2017 - Apr 27
Open Education is a chameleon. While being the same on the core, it means different based on the context. We Read more

Intervention Program reduces aggressivity and social isolation in students with ADHD

2017 - Apr 27
The symptomatology of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be improved through appropriate neuropsychological intervention programs focused on attention Read more

The added value of online learning games

2017 - Apr 26
Social Seducement Project.– Social economy has gained new momentum nowadays as an alternative way of “doing business”, as an opportunity Read more

10 years & 10 seconds

2017 - Apr 24
There is no unique view, there is no right or wrong formula, there is no failure on the way but the inactivity. Because Open Education must be proactive, no matter how long it takes.

Call for testers of SocialPlaNET: the social entrepreneurship learning platform

2017 - Apr 4
UNIR research is an active partner in the Erasmus + project Social Seducement, aimed to support the empowerment of disadvantaged categories (especially unemployed aged 18+) by training them on how to establish and manage a social cooperative.

V-Tours conversation between university and industry focused on soft skills

2017 - Mar 23
16th March 2017. Putting in practice one of the main objectives of the project, V-Tours has organized a half-day seminar at Read more

Showing to stakeholders the serious game “Social Planet” developed by Social Seducement

2017 - Mar 23
16th March 2017. Stakeholders had an opportunity to know deeply about the features of Social Planet, the serious game developed by Read more

Key breakthrough issues in education that cannot wait

2017 - Mar 13
You never know where to find inspiration. The great master Picasso quoted that inspiration exists but it has to find Read more