Tag Archives: observatory @all

Category Archives: observatory @all

EDUC-03: Educational Vocation as Action

Educational science does not analyse natural phenomena, but it studies the way human development needs to take place, which, in contrast to Read more

EDUC-04: Personalized Education in the Digital Age

Personalized Education is an educational approach on which the contents and structure of our university are based. This Research Group aims at analysing in-depth this topic, from a research perspective. Personalised education focuses on the individual, on Read more
Research Groups intro

EDUC-06: Neuropsychology applied to Education

The research group Neuropsychology applied to Education (NSE) proposes to study the neuropsychological difficulties that students have to respond to Read more

CCSS03: Prospective Observatory of Social Policies and Intervention

Nowadays, the welfare state, social policies and intervention are increasingly topics of discussion. This period can be qualified as a moment of uncertainty Read more

CCSS-04: Communication and Digital Society

This Research Group deals with Digital Communication topics from the perspective of Communication. It aims at analysing the use of online communication platforms, with a special focus Read more

CCSS-05: Cultures, religions and Human Rights

The main objective of this Research Group is to analyse the evolution of legal aspects regarding the developing cultural and religious pluralism of the occidental society. This phenomenon has considerably Read more

ESIT-03: TELSOCK (Technology-enhanced Learning & Social Networks)

TELSOCK website Objectives: a) To become a national reference amongst online universities, with a clear expansion towards Latin America b) Read more

ESIT-04: Strategies of emotional communication in business organizations

In a society marked by hyper-communication, communication activities carried out by companies need to be more and more efficient. For this Read more


  • research.mgt@unir.net
  • +34 91 567 43 91


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